Category:Dielectric properties
Optics - response to a varying E-field (absorption, reflectance, MOKE)
Methods based on screened interaction in solids (MBPT)
Most general definition of epsilon D=epsilon E
Methods for computing
Static response: Density functional perturbation Theory (DFPT) and Finite differences based methods
By setting LEPSILON=.True., VASP uses DFPT to compute the static ion-clamped dielectric matrix with or without local field effects. Derivatives are evaluated using Sternheimer equations, avoiding the explicit computation of derivatives of the periodic part of the wave function. This method does not require the inclusion of empty states via the NBANDS parameter.
At the end of the calculation the both the values of including (LRPA=.True.) or excluding (LRPA=.False.) local-field effects are printed in the OUTCAR file. Users can perform a consistency check by comparing the values with no local field to the zero frequency results for obtained from a calculation with LOPTICS=.True..
With LCALCEPS=.True., the dielectric tensor is computed from the derivative of the polarization, using
However, here the derivative is evaluated explicitly by employing finite-differences. The direction and intensity of the perturbing electric field has to be specified in the INCAR using the EFIELD_PEAD variable. As with the previous method, at the end of the calculation VASP will write the dielectric tensor in the OUTCAR file. Control over the inclusion of local-field effects is done with the variable LRPA.
Dynamical response
The variable LOPTICS allows for the calculation of the frequency dependent dielectric function once the ground state is computed. It uses the explicit expression to evaluate the imaginary part of
while the real part is evaluated using the Kramers-Kroning relation. At this level there are no effects coming from local fields.
This method requires a relatively large number of empty states, controlled by the variable NBANDS in the INCAR and should be checked for convergence.
Furthermore, the INCAR should also include values for CSHIFT (the broadening applied to the Lorentzian function which replaces the -function), and NEDOS (the frequency grid for ).
Time-dependent HF/DFT calculation. Follows the Casida equation. Uses a FT of the time-evolvind dipoles to compute epsilon Also requires CSHIFT, NBANDS(not necessarily as many as LOPTICS, depends on how many peaks you need to converge), and NEDOS. Choice of time-dependent kernel controllled by AEXX and HFSCREEN
Uses a delta-pulse to probe all transitions with a time-evolution equation. FT the dipoles also gives you epsilon
Setting ALGO=BSE computes epsilon by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Here the electron-hole pairs are treated as interacting particles and a new Hamiltonian is built to deal with their interaction
where is the screened direct interaction and the exchange interaction.
This calculation builds the BSE Hamiltonian and obtains its eigenvalues () and eigestates (). The full BSE Hamiltonian is not Hermitian, so in the general case the dielectric tensor is built using
where is the overlap between exciton states of indices and .
The number of valence and conduction states which are included in the BSE Hamiltonian is controlled by the variables NBANDSO and NBANDSV, respectively. Note that normally only a few bands above and below the band gap are needed to converge the optical spectrum, so users should be careful in setting up these two variables. Otherwise the calculation might run into problems.
Level of approximation
Micro-macro connection - Including local fields (GG' vs GG or 00, to confirm)
Inhomogeniety - Long wavelength vs short
Local fields in the Hamiltonian
Ion-clamped vs relaxed/dressed dielectric function
Static vs dynamic
Density-density versus current-current response functions
Relation to observables
Optical conductivity
Optical absorption
Combination with other perturbations
Atomic displacements
Pages in category "Dielectric properties"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.