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#Redirect [[Time-evolution_algorithm]]
Description: {{TAG|ALGO}}= timeev calculates the frequency dependent dielectric matrix after the electronic ground state has been determined using the time evolution algorithm (only available in vasp.6)
VASP posses multiple other routines to calculate the frequency dependent dielectric function.
Specifically, one can use {{TAG|ALGO}} = TDHF ([[BSE calculations]] equivalent to solving the Casida equation), {{TAG|ALGO}} = GW ([[GW calculations]]). For standard DFT, the timeevolution algorithm is
usually fastest, whereas for hybrid functionals {{TAG|ALGO}} = TDHF  is
usually faster.
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== References ==
<ref name="gajdos:prb:06">[http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.73.045112 M. Gajdoš, K. Hummer, G. Kresse, J. Furthmüller, and F. Bechstedt, Phys. Rev. B 73, 045112 (2006).]</ref>
[[Category:INCAR]][[Category:Linear response]]

Latest revision as of 12:33, 7 February 2025