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The hyperfine coupling constant (cf. hyperfine splitting) describes the interaction between the nuclear magnetic dipole moment and the magnetic field generated by the electrons (i.e. the nuclear spin-electron spin coupling. The hyperfine coupling constant is calculated using {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}} {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. The hyperfine splitting often includes the interaction between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the electric field gradient (EFG), which is calculated separately using {{TAG|LEFG}} and the description in [[Construction:NMR#Electric field gradient|performing an EFG calculation]]. The hyperfine splitting can be measured using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), also called electron-spin resonance (ESR), and in atomic spectroscopy. The theory is covered in the [[:Category:NMR|NMR category page]] and {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}} page.  
The hyperfine coupling constant (cf. hyperfine splitting) describes the interaction between the nuclear magnetic dipole moment and the magnetic field generated by the electrons (i.e., the nuclear spin-electron spin coupling). The hyperfine coupling constant is calculated using {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}} {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. The hyperfine splitting often includes the interaction between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the electric field gradient (EFG), which is calculated separately using {{TAG|LEFG}} and the description in [[Construction:NMR#Electric field gradient|performing an EFG calculation]]. The hyperfine splitting can be measured using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), also called electron-spin resonance (ESR), and in atomic spectroscopy. The theory is covered in the [[:Category:NMR|NMR category page]] and {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}} page.  

==Step-by-step instructions==
==Step-by-step instructions==
The hyperfine constant is calculated post-self-consistent field (SCF) using {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}}. A well-converged SCF calculation is therefore crucial. The hyperfine coupling constant is sensitive to several input parameters that must all be tested.  
The hyperfine constant is calculated post-self-consistent field (post-SCF) using {{TAG|LHYPERFINE}}. A well-converged SCF calculation is therefore crucial. The hyperfine coupling constant is sensitive to several input parameters that must all be tested.  

'''Step 1 (optional):''' Calculate the hyperfine constant using a previously converged calculation.
'''Step 1 (optional):''' Calculate the hyperfine constant using a previously converged calculation

Since the hyperfine constant is calculated post-SCF, you can use a previously converged {{FILE|WAVECAR}} with {{TAG|ISTART}} = 1 and {{TAG|NELM}} = 1. The corresponding density, {{TAG|CHGCAR}} is calculated from the {{FILE|WAVECAR}} file before the first elementary step so need not be provided.  
Since the hyperfine constant is calculated post-SCF, you can use a previously converged {{FILE|WAVECAR}} with {{TAG|ISTART}} = 1 and {{TAG|NELM}} = 1. The corresponding density, {{TAG|CHGCAR}} is calculated from the {{FILE|WAVECAR}} file before the first elementary step so need not be provided.  
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'''Step 2a:''' Define the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios
'''Step 2a:''' Define the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios

The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in {{TAG|NGYROMAG}}. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your {{FILE|POSCAR}} file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion.
The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in {{TAG|NGYROMAG}}. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your {{FILE|POSCAR}} file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion. A short table of values can be found in Ref. {{Cite|gyromag:web}}. For a more complete list, see the {{TAG|NGYROMAG}} tag documentation.

'''Step 2b (optional):''' Determine a suitable energetic break value
'''Step 2b (optional):''' Determine a suitable energetic break value
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The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in {{TAG|NGYROMAG}}. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your {{FILE|POSCAR}} file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion.
The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in {{TAG|NGYROMAG}}. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your {{FILE|POSCAR}} file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion.

'''Step 3:''' Converge the plane-wave energy cutoff
Use the converged energetic break condition for all subsequent convergence tests.
'''Step 3:''' Converge the plane-wave basis

The plane-wave basis can strongly influence the coupling constant. Unconverged values should not be compared to experiment. Perform multiple calculations while increasing the basis set size, as defined in {{TAG|ENCUT}}, incrementally (e.g., by 100 eV intervals). Convergence should be aimed to be within 0.1 MHz, although this will not be feasible for heavier elements.
The plane-wave basis can strongly influence the coupling constant. Unconverged values should not be compared to experiment. Perform multiple calculations while increasing the basis set size, as defined in {{TAG|ENCUT}}, incrementally (e.g., by 100 eV intervals). Convergence should be aimed to be within 0.1 MHz, although this will not be feasible for heavier elements.
Use the converged plane-wave energy cut-off for all subsequent convergence tests.

'''Step 4:''' Converge the '''k''' point mesh
'''Step 4:''' Converge the '''k''' point mesh

Similar to the basis, the '''k''' point mesh can strongly influence the coupling constant. The '''k''' point mesh should be increased incrementally, i.e., 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3, until convergence to within 0.1 MHz is achieved.  
Similar to the basis, the '''k''' point mesh can strongly influence the coupling constant. The '''k''' point mesh should be increased incrementally, i.e., 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3, until convergence to within 0.1 MHz is achieved.  
Use the converged '''k-'''-point mesh for all subsequent calculations.

'''Step 5:''' Compare to experiment
'''Step 5:''' Compare to experiment

The purpose of these calculations is to compare to experiment. An example is given in Ref. {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. It is important to include core contributions, as these can account for a significant portion of the Fermi contact term. The total coupling parameter can be compared to EPR.
The purpose of these calculations is to compare to experiment. An example is given in Ref. {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. It is important to include core contributions {{Cite|yazyev:prb:2005}}, as these can account for a significant portion of the Fermi contact term. The total coupling parameter can be compared to EPR.

'''Step 6 (optional):''' Perform hybrid calculations
'''Step 6 (optional):''' Perform hybrid calculations

In the literature, HSE06 has been shown to better localize defect states, which improves comparison to experiment relative to PBE {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. Consider performing a hybrid calculation, if it is affordable.
In the literature, HSE06 has been shown to better localize defect states, which improves comparison to experiment relative to PBE {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. Consider performing a hybrid calculation, if it is affordable. You will need to repeat the convergence tests described in Steps 2-4.
{{NB|mind|Significant time savings can be achieved for hybrid functionals by starting from a {{FILE|WAVECAR}} from a GGA calculation.}}

==Recommendations and advice==
==Recommendations and advice==
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The structure defined in {{FILE|POSCAR}} will impact the hyperfine constant in two ways. The first and most important is that cells that are too small may converge to non-magnetic systems. For example, the NV-diamond defect cannot be properly described by a 15-atom supercell (based on a 2x2x2 cell from primitive diamond). As you increase the '''k'''-point mesh, the magnetization disappears due to coupling between neighboring defect sites. Be careful to use a large enough cell for your calculation, otherwise even converged settings will produce meaningless outputs. Sometimes, a non-magnetic solution is incorrectly found. If you are certain that it should be magnetic, then you can force this by using {{TAG|NUPDOWN}} to fix the number of unpaired electrons in your system during the calculation. Ensure that the energy of the magnetic state is lower than the non-magnetic state.  
The structure defined in {{FILE|POSCAR}} will impact the hyperfine constant in two ways. The first and most important is that cells that are too small may converge to non-magnetic systems. For example, the NV-diamond defect cannot be properly described by a 15-atom supercell (based on a 2x2x2 cell from primitive diamond). As you increase the '''k'''-point mesh, the magnetization disappears due to coupling between neighboring defect sites (i.e., increasing the k-point mesh causes the coupling to disappear (all zeros)). Be careful to use a large enough cell for your calculation, otherwise even converged settings will produce meaningless outputs. Sometimes, a non-magnetic solution is incorrectly found. If you are certain that it should be [[:Category:Magnetism|magnetic]], then you can force this by using {{TAG|NUPDOWN}} to fix the number of unpaired electrons in your system during the calculation. Ensure that the energy of the magnetic state is lower than the non-magnetic state.  

A second structural problem will come from the precise {{FILE|POSCAR}} that you use. Slightly different lattice parameters (10 mÅ) can change the hyperfine coupling constant by ~0.5 MHz. Make sure to use a [[Structure optimization|well-optimized structure]].  
A second structural problem will come from the precise {{FILE|POSCAR}} that you use. Slightly different lattice parameters (10 mÅ) can change the hyperfine coupling constant by ~0.5 MHz. Make sure to use a [[Structure optimization|well-optimized structure]].

===Hybrid functionals===
===Hybrid functionals===
The calculated hyperfine coupling parameter is strongly influenced by the chosen method. PBE tends to underestimate the coupling constant relative to experiment. HSE06 and other [[:Category:Category:Hybrid functionals|hybrid functionals]] improve this, matching well with experiment {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. Hybrid functional localize defect states, resulting in an improved description over GGA functionals. The {{FILE|INCAR}} tags are specified in for [[List of hybrid functionals|hybrid functionals]] and no additional tags are required. We found that the improvement for hybrid functionals is seen for both range-separated and unscreened hbrid functionals.
The calculated hyperfine coupling parameter is strongly influenced by the chosen method. PBE tends to underestimate the coupling constant relative to experiment. HSE06 and other [[:Category:Hybrid functionals|hybrid functionals]] improve this, matching well with experiment {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}. Hybrid functional localize defect states, resulting in an improved description over GGA functionals. The {{FILE|INCAR}} tags are specified [[List of hybrid functionals|in hybrid functionals]] and no additional tags are required. We found that the improvement for hybrid functionals is seen for both range-separated and unscreened hybrid functionals.

===PAW pseudopotential===
The choice of [[:Category:Pseudopotentials|PAW pseudopotential]] can be important. [[Available pseudopotentials|GW pseudopotentials]] (i.e. ''*_GW'') make a difference of a few ppm to the chemical shielding.
It is expected that using GW pseudopotentials will improve the description of the hyperfine coupling parameter for heavier elements, though it has not been tested. Additionally, for heavier elements, it is expected that using additional valence electrons (i.e., ''*_sv'', ''*_pv'') will improve calculating the hyperfine coupling constant.

<!--===PAW pseudopotentials===
===Additional tags===
The choice of PAW pseudopotential can be important. GW pseudopotentials (i.e. _GW) underestimate the hyperfine coupling parameter with respect to experiment. With improved methods (i.e., HSE06), the difference is less significant. We recommend using standard pseudopotentials, though the use of GW should not be completely excluded. Additional valence electrons (i.e., _sv, _pv) should be considered for systems with heavier elements as they are likely important.  
There are a few additional {{TAG|INCAR}} tags that should be used to ensure tight convergence, specifically, the precision should be set to <code>{{TAGBL|PREC}} = Accurate</code>, rather than <code>Normal</code>. We also recommend {{TAG|EDIFF}} to a minimum of <code>1E-6</code> eV to ensure well-converged {{FILE|WAVECAR}}.

REMOVE IF TO BE PUBLISHED: These are for CH3 radical and NV defect in diamond - it is not clear what the reason for this is--!>
{{TAG|LASPH}} = .TRUE. includes the non-spherical contributions to the gradient of the density in PAW spheres. For symmetric systems, the difference is small, a few ppm. For asymmetric systems, the difference is much larger, on the order of 10 ppm. Therefore, the non-spherical contributions must be included. However, using {{TAG|LASPH}} = .TRUE. decreases the calculated hyperfine coupling constant, weakening agreement with experiment, including in the literature where it was not previously used {{Cite|szasz:prb:2013}}.
* The PAW pseudopotential that you use should be considered.
** Including additional electrons in the valence (i.e. _sv, _pv) can be important.
** GW pseudopotentials (i.e. _GW) can have a big effect on the hyperfine coupling parameter.
* Hybrid functionals give a better description than GGA. HSE06 can localize defect states, improving their description relative to PBE.
* We recommend using tightly converged settings:
{{TAG|PREC}} = Accurate
{{TAG|EDIFF}} = 1E-6 # Note that some systems might require tighter settings, e.g. 1E-8
* Increase the plane-wave energy cutoff {{TAG|ENCUT}} and k-point mesh {{TAG|KPOINTS}} until convergence has been achieved for the hyperfine coupling parameter.  
** If increasing the k-point mesh causes the coupling to disappear (all zeros), this is an indicator that you have a non-magnetic solution.  
* If your system relaxes to a non-magnetic solution and you think that it should be magnetic, you can enforce it using {{TAG|NUPDOWN}} to specify the number of unpaired electrons. Carefully check that the energies are lower for the magnetic solution.
*Test your system with {{TAG|LASPH}} = .TRUE. and .FALSE. In some cases, non-spherical contributions may be important.

==Example scripts for convergence tests==
==Example scripts for convergence tests==
Several tests are necessary to obtain converged coupling parameters. We provide some example scripts below:
Several tests are necessary to obtain converged coupling parameters. We provide some example scripts below:
{{NB|important|Change the values of {{TAG|NGYROMAG}} to your corresponding system.}}

===Energetic break criterion tests===
===Energetic break criterion tests===
Line 71: Line 71:
Energetic break criterion:
Energetic break criterion:
  {{TAGBL|PREC}} = Accurate   
  PREC = Accurate   
  {{TAGBL|ENCUT}} = 400         
  ENCUT = 400         
  {{TAGBL|EDIFF}} = 1E-6  
  EDIFF = 1E-4  
  {{TAGBL|ISMEAR}} = 0; SIGMA = 0.01  
  ISMEAR = 0; SIGMA = 0.01  
  {{TAGBL|NGYROMAG}} = 10.7084 3.077
  NGYROMAG = 10.7084 3.077
  {{TAGBL|ISPIN}} = 2
  ISPIN = 2

Script to loop through {{TAG|EDIFF}} from 1E-4 eV to 1E-8 eV:
Script to loop through {{TAG|EDIFF}} from 1E-4 eV to 1E-8 eV:
Line 127: Line 122:

===Energy cutoff tests===
===Energy cutoff tests===
For converging the energy cutoff, start with the value of ENMAX given in the {{FILE|POTCAR}} file and then increase incrementally in steps of 100 eV:
For converging the energy cutoff, start from at least the value of ENMAX given in the {{FILE|POTCAR}} file and then increase incrementally in steps of 100 eV:

Initial {{TAGBL|INCAR}}:
Initial {{TAGBL|INCAR}}:
PREC = Accurate 
ENCUT = 400       
EDIFF = 1E-6 
ISMEAR = 0; SIGMA = 0.01

  {{TAGBL|PREC}} = Accurate 
  NGYROMAG = 10.7084 3.077
{{TAGBL|ENCUT}} = 400       
{{TAGBL|EDIFF}} = 1E-6 
{{TAGBL|ISMEAR}} = 0; SIGMA = 0.01
  ISPIN = 2
  {{TAGBL|NGYROMAG}} = 10.7084 3.077
  {{TAGBL|ISPIN}} = 2

Script to loop through {{TAG|ENCUT}} from 400 eV to 600 eV:
Script to loop through {{TAG|ENCUT}} from 400 eV to 600 eV:
Line 161: Line 152:

<!-- [[Category:Howto]][[Category:NMR]][[Category:Linear response]] --!>
[[Category:Howto]][[Category:NMR]][[Category:Linear response]]

Latest revision as of 09:44, 19 March 2025

The hyperfine coupling constant (cf. hyperfine splitting) describes the interaction between the nuclear magnetic dipole moment and the magnetic field generated by the electrons (i.e., the nuclear spin-electron spin coupling). The hyperfine coupling constant is calculated using LHYPERFINE [1]. The hyperfine splitting often includes the interaction between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the electric field gradient (EFG), which is calculated separately using LEFG and the description in performing an EFG calculation. The hyperfine splitting can be measured using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), also called electron-spin resonance (ESR), and in atomic spectroscopy. The theory is covered in the NMR category page and LHYPERFINE page.

Step-by-step instructions

The hyperfine constant is calculated post-self-consistent field (post-SCF) using LHYPERFINE. A well-converged SCF calculation is therefore crucial. The hyperfine coupling constant is sensitive to several input parameters that must all be tested.

Step 1 (optional): Calculate the hyperfine constant using a previously converged calculation

Since the hyperfine constant is calculated post-SCF, you can use a previously converged WAVECAR with ISTART = 1 and NELM = 1. The corresponding density, CHGCAR is calculated from the WAVECAR file before the first elementary step so need not be provided.

Step 2a: Define the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios

The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in NGYROMAG. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your POSCAR file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion. A short table of values can be found in Ref. [2]. For a more complete list, see the NGYROMAG tag documentation.

Step 2b (optional): Determine a suitable energetic break value

The break condition for the self-consistency step EDIFF does not strongly influence the coupling parameter for our test systems. However, it is important to confirm this for your system before performing more expensive convergence tests.

The hyperfine coupling constant depends on the nuclear gyromagnetic ratios defined in NGYROMAG. Since the defaults are set to 1, the gyromagnetic ratios must be defined to obtain meaningful coupling constants. Each species in your POSCAR file should be defined; there is no need to define each individual ion.

Use the converged energetic break condition for all subsequent convergence tests.

Step 3: Converge the plane-wave basis

The plane-wave basis can strongly influence the coupling constant. Unconverged values should not be compared to experiment. Perform multiple calculations while increasing the basis set size, as defined in ENCUT, incrementally (e.g., by 100 eV intervals). Convergence should be aimed to be within 0.1 MHz, although this will not be feasible for heavier elements.

Use the converged plane-wave energy cut-off for all subsequent convergence tests.

Step 4: Converge the k point mesh

Similar to the basis, the k point mesh can strongly influence the coupling constant. The k point mesh should be increased incrementally, i.e., 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3, until convergence to within 0.1 MHz is achieved.

Use the converged k--point mesh for all subsequent calculations.

Step 5: Compare to experiment

The purpose of these calculations is to compare to experiment. An example is given in Ref. [1]. It is important to include core contributions [3], as these can account for a significant portion of the Fermi contact term. The total coupling parameter can be compared to EPR.

Step 6 (optional): Perform hybrid calculations

In the literature, HSE06 has been shown to better localize defect states, which improves comparison to experiment relative to PBE [1]. Consider performing a hybrid calculation, if it is affordable. You will need to repeat the convergence tests described in Steps 2-4.

Mind: Significant time savings can be achieved for hybrid functionals by starting from a WAVECAR from a GGA calculation.

Recommendations and advice

The hyperfine coupling constant requires tightly converged settings. The energetic break condition EDIFF and the plane-wave energy cutoff ENCUT impact the convergence of the hyperfine coupling constant. For solid-state systems, the choice of k-point mesh KPOINTS used can also be very important. Besides these input settings, the hyperfine coupling constant is influenced by several other factors, specifically structure, POTCAR, and method.


The structure defined in POSCAR will impact the hyperfine constant in two ways. The first and most important is that cells that are too small may converge to non-magnetic systems. For example, the NV-diamond defect cannot be properly described by a 15-atom supercell (based on a 2x2x2 cell from primitive diamond). As you increase the k-point mesh, the magnetization disappears due to coupling between neighboring defect sites (i.e., increasing the k-point mesh causes the coupling to disappear (all zeros)). Be careful to use a large enough cell for your calculation, otherwise even converged settings will produce meaningless outputs. Sometimes, a non-magnetic solution is incorrectly found. If you are certain that it should be magnetic, then you can force this by using NUPDOWN to fix the number of unpaired electrons in your system during the calculation. Ensure that the energy of the magnetic state is lower than the non-magnetic state.

A second structural problem will come from the precise POSCAR that you use. Slightly different lattice parameters (10 mÅ) can change the hyperfine coupling constant by ~0.5 MHz. Make sure to use a well-optimized structure.

Hybrid functionals

The calculated hyperfine coupling parameter is strongly influenced by the chosen method. PBE tends to underestimate the coupling constant relative to experiment. HSE06 and other hybrid functionals improve this, matching well with experiment [1]. Hybrid functional localize defect states, resulting in an improved description over GGA functionals. The INCAR tags are specified in hybrid functionals and no additional tags are required. We found that the improvement for hybrid functionals is seen for both range-separated and unscreened hybrid functionals.

PAW pseudopotential

The choice of PAW pseudopotential can be important. GW pseudopotentials (i.e. *_GW) make a difference of a few ppm to the chemical shielding.

It is expected that using GW pseudopotentials will improve the description of the hyperfine coupling parameter for heavier elements, though it has not been tested. Additionally, for heavier elements, it is expected that using additional valence electrons (i.e., *_sv, *_pv) will improve calculating the hyperfine coupling constant.

Additional tags

There are a few additional INCAR tags that should be used to ensure tight convergence, specifically, the precision should be set to PREC = Accurate, rather than Normal. We also recommend EDIFF to a minimum of 1E-6 eV to ensure well-converged WAVECAR.

LASPH = .TRUE. includes the non-spherical contributions to the gradient of the density in PAW spheres. For symmetric systems, the difference is small, a few ppm. For asymmetric systems, the difference is much larger, on the order of 10 ppm. Therefore, the non-spherical contributions must be included. However, using LASPH = .TRUE. decreases the calculated hyperfine coupling constant, weakening agreement with experiment, including in the literature where it was not previously used [1].

Example scripts for convergence tests

Several tests are necessary to obtain converged coupling parameters. We provide some example scripts below:

Important: Change the values of NGYROMAG to your corresponding system.

Energetic break criterion tests

For converging the energetic break criterion for a single ionic step (EDIFF), start with the 1E-4 and then increase by orders of magnitude:

Energetic break criterion: INCAR.hyperfine

PREC = Accurate  
ENCUT = 400         
EDIFF = 1E-6  
ISMEAR = 0; SIGMA = 0.01 
NGYROMAG = 10.7084 3.077

Script to loop through EDIFF from 1E-4 eV to 1E-8 eV:

rm -f hyperfine.dat
for a in 4 5 6 7 8
cp INCAR.hyperfine INCAR
sed -i "s/1E-4/1E-$a/g" INCAR

mpirun -np 4 $PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE/vasp_std


k-points tests

For converging k points, start with the Γ-point and increase the k-point mesh incrementally:

Initial Γ-only mesh: KPOINTS.hyperfine

 1 1 1
 0 0 0

Script to go through k-point meshes from Γ-only to 8x8x8:

rm -f hyperfine.dat
for a in 1 2 4 6 8
cp KPOINTS.hyperfine KPOINTS
sed -i "s/1 1 1/$a $a $a/g" KPOINTS

mpirun -np 4 $PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE/vasp_std


Energy cutoff tests

For converging the energy cutoff, start from at least the value of ENMAX given in the POTCAR file and then increase incrementally in steps of 100 eV:

Initial INCAR: INCAR.hyperfine

PREC = Accurate  
ENCUT = 400         
EDIFF = 1E-6  
ISMEAR = 0; SIGMA = 0.01 
NGYROMAG = 10.7084 3.077

Script to loop through ENCUT from 400 eV to 600 eV:

rm -f hyperfine.dat
for a in 400 500 600
cp INCAR.hyperfine INCAR
sed -i "s/400/$a/g" INCAR

mpirun -np 4 $PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE/vasp_std

